Monday, November 19, 2007

Tim & Ryan are spending the week

Tim and Ryan Swick are here for the week, Ryan had some time off, and came to visit Tim. They keep the oddest hours, since they both do shift work of sorts their days are their nights, and nights are days. Since I get up early to head to the office I have heard them at 4 AM or so playing some sort of video guitar game, sounds unfamiliar in our house at that time of the morning or at any time for that matter. They did earn their dinner though, they dug 7 fresh holes for some Aspens I will be planting this week if the snow holds off. They will be here for Thanksgiving day dinner and then have to leave to return to work, Allegra especially enjoys having some action around here and with Tim there is always something going on. He continues to make us laugh as he has done since he started this life. David also called and it appears he will not be the unit sniper, he fired a 143 out of 200 which qualifies him, but doesn't quite meet the expert criteria. We both had a good laugh about his lack of prowness with the rifle, since he cannot close his left eye (who knows the reason for that?) he has to fire with both eyes open and left handed, a challenge for anyone. David will be home for Christmas prior to leaving for Iraq in early March, and we count that as a blessing.

Now that the dust has settled.

Well ServiceMaster has made its decisions, I have purposely remained silent for the past 60 days regarding the pending changes in jobs, positions, and direction. I thought it best that only one of us did the worrying about whether or not my job was secure. Now that I know it is, with some changes in title but not compensation I can move on. There was in this process some pain for many who have lost their positions, or had to consider relocating to Memphis. For me the only considerations were; can I accept a title change, and the loss of supervisory control of the team I spent the past years building? The answer appeared quickly in my mind, based on age limitations in the current job market, and having most all of my leadership ego needs met over the past years. Now we move forward again, some things will change, I will travel more, supervise less, and hopefully have greater satisfaction in how I effect franchises, and their business operations. Oh yeah, now I am known as a Business Development Manager, lets see where God takes all of this, I am confident that it will go well.